While news in the HVAC industry doesn’t often affect the average consumer, a protocol put in place by the Environmental Protection Agency will actually affect your home. Every person that runs an HVAC system with R-22 refrigerant, or Freon®, will need another solution. Instead of using R-22 refrigerants, which are known for hydrofluorocarbons (HCFCs), a more environmentally-friendly coolant R-410a is now being used.
As the supply of R-22 decreases year-by-year, the availability is getting scarcer. Limited production of a necessity will lead to a price increase (think of the Beanie Baby craze) you shouldn’t have to endure.
What Does This Mean for Your Home HVAC?
If your system was installed before 2010, you likely uses R-22. All systems manufactured after 2010 use R-410a. In 2018, only 9 million pounds of Freon® is set to be produced and the number should be down to 4 million by 2019. In the year 2020, no R-22 can be manufactured or imported to the United States.
This means that a product your current HVAC uses for functioning will become unavailable. If your system breaks down as a result of refrigerant, it will require full replacement. In a situation where availability is guaranteed to become an issue, you cannot afford to have equipment that uses this form of coolant.
Consistently Replacing Refrigerant? –Save Now
Have you had to the boost the refrigerant in your system every year or multiple times within one year? If so, it is recommended that you purchase a new one. The R-22 cooling system is closed, which means if you are topping it off, there is a leak or something is malfunctioning. Once the issue arises once, it will come about again.
Consider making the investment now when you have the time to weigh your options and not react with a last-minute purchase. A scheduled HVAC system replacement generally costs less than an emergency replacement. Plus, your family won’t be inconvenienced by a lack of AC because you have had a major breakdown. Most importantly, the newer HVAC units are more environmentally friendly and energy efficient, which means you are helping to save the earth and saving money at the same time.
Choose Your New System Wisely
Your home should be cool, comfortable, and safe. The HVAC system you use, especially during the hot Georgia summers, needs to function for years to come. When you choose your system, make sure you only purchase a new system that uses a non-ozone depleting refrigerant. For an honest assessment of your system, as well as a replacement plan, reach out to the qualified team at Mitchell Cooling + Heating.