Now that holiday spending season is over and tax deadlines are rapidly approaching, you may be examining your household budget with a little more scrutiny. Did you know your HVAC system could possibly be a source for saving some money? Here are a few things to keep in mind to maximize your savings and remain in comfort.
Check In on Insulation & Windows
The Great Outdoors are great, but not when they intrude indoors uninvited. As we’ve asserted in the past, “Good insulation can save you a lot on your energy bills, and make your home more comfortable too.”
Spend a little time in the first quarter of the year to ensure your home’s insulation has been upgraded to current energy standards, including attic insulation, door and window sealings, and any other possible upgrades, including getting your fireplace examined for draughts if you have one. Spending that time and effort now can reduce your energy bills throughout the year.
Make Sure Your Thermostat is Working Well — If Not Smartly
Because smart thermostats learn your daily patterns, and adjust temperatures accordingly, they can save you substantially on your monthly utility bills. But if you’re not ready for in-home technology that knows you better than you know yourself, a well-functioning standard thermostat can still make a big difference. Here’s how to ensure yours is operating effectively.
- Make sure your thermostat is located in an area of your home with a fresh flow of air, preferably an interior room where it won’t receive too much direct sun and can accurately sense the temperature of your living areas.
- If your thermostat is programmable, you can save substantially on heating and cooling costs by programming it based on when you and your family are typically out of the house or asleep. In cold weather, set the thermostat to adjust 7°-10°F lower when you’re away or sleeping. In warm weather, set it to adjust 7°-10°F higher. (You can achieve the same results with a manual thermostat, but it may be harder to remember to adjust it every time you leave for work or head to bed.)
Mind the Landscaping
When your outdoor unit is too exposed to sun or cold, too crowded by shrubbery or other landscaping, or doesn’t get enough drainage from rain and runoff, its longevity and efficiency may decrease. Consult with a landscaping professional — or better yet, your HVAC maintenance team — to see if your outdoor space is possibly conflicting with your indoor climate.
Keep It Well Maintained
As we’ve advised in the past, “Some basic annual maintenance will go a long way toward helping your air conditioner cool effectively throughout its expected lifespan. And most of it is easy to do yourself.” Keeping filters, drain pans, and condensers clean are a few of the things you can do. For a walk-through on these do-it-yourself tips, our specialists are here to help, as well.
If you have other questions or concerns about how to help your HVAC system do the most for you and your wallet (and to discuss options if it isn’t), connect with us online or call us at 770-995-7585 for an appointment or advice.